Wondering how you can involved in your community and meet your neighbors? Join one of the committees below by sending an email to hoaboard@mywicksfield.com
The Architectural Committee is made up of members from the Wicksfield Board of Directors. The Architectural Committee will meet once a month to review completed applications to ensure proposed architectural changes meet the guidelines set forth in The Wicksfield Architectural Standards Manual.
Board Members:
Terence Davis - Chari
Kim Baker
Joe Wilkins
The Events and Planning Committee is made of up volunteers from the community and chaired by a member of the Board of Directors. The Events and Planning Committee will meet as needed to develop, plan, and create community oriented events throughout the year.
Board Members:
Kim Baker - Chair
William Miller
Christina Pula
The Entrance Refresh Committee will lead the upgrades and proposed changes to refresh the entrances to the Wicksfield Community. This committee will meet as needed to develop, plan, and create entrances that are both welcoming to neighbors and our guests.
Board Members:
William Miller - Chair
Terence Davis
Kim Baker
The Storm Water Maintenance Pond Beautification Committee will lead the upgrades and proposed changes to refresh and beautify the four (4) storm water retention ponds in the Wicksfield Community. This committee will meet as needed to develop, plan, and create ponds that are both attractive and add value to homes in the community
Board Members:
Terence Davis - Chair
William Miller
Copyright © 2021 The Wicksfield Homeowners Association, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.